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Dealing with Child Care Issues during COVID

Updated: Sep 11, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is still a risk; as a safety measure, many companies have extended their work from home arrangements, where the job duties allow.

In instances where there is adequate social distancing, and employees are required to report to the office, employers are faced with the challenge of childcare issues.

This is primarily due to their employees with children, having to deal with the uncertainty of schools and day care centers reopening.

Below are considerations for employers:

1. Understand their obligations under the Paid Family Leave Act, if an employee must care for children at home during the new school year.

2. Provide an accommodation by opting to reduce hours if children need to stay home due to alternate in-person and remote learning school schedule..

The Department of Labor

Under guidance issued by the Department of Labor – the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), an employee who is the primary caregiver of their child(ren) may qualify for FFCRA leave of up to 12 weeks at two-thirds their normal rate of pay.

This leave is only available to certain public and private employers with less than 500 employees. However, small businesses with fewer than 50 employees may be exempt from providing childcare leave if they can prove doing so would negatively impact their business. In additional to these small employers, some health care providers and emergency response workers are not eligible.

Contact HRDelivery for guidance on how to manage leave request & administration needs as we navigate this challenging time.

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